Vaginal Gel

Proston Vaginal Gel

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0.5 mg/3 gm
3 gm tube: ৳ 200.00


Proston is indicated to helps in the induction of labor, and widens the cervix for easy delivery. It is also used to initiate an abortion at about 12 to 20 weeks of pregnancy and also indicated to help clean out the vagina after a miscarriage.


Dinoprostone is a naturally-occurring biomolecule. It functions as a local hormone. Dinoprostone causes the cervix muscles to dilate and become relaxed. This eventually encourages the muscle of uterus to contract during labour. Its functions are similar to that of PG E-2 or Prostaglandin E2.

Dosage & Administration

For adult patients: The recommended dose of Dinoprostone gel is 0.5 mg. After placement of the gel, the patient should be instructed to remain in the dorsal position for 10-15 minutes to minimize gel leakage.

Geriatrics (>65 years of age): Dinoprostone gel has not been studied in this patient population and is not recommended for use.

Pediatrics (<18 years of age): Dinoprostone gel has not been studied in this patient population and is not recommended for use.


With Medicine: It is not advised to use Proston concurrently with oxytocic medications, since it may increase their action. For the successive use of oxytocin after removing the Proston vaginal insert, a dosage interval of at least 30 minutes is advised. There are no known interactions between other drugs.

With Food and Others: Proston is known to interact with alcohol. So, do not consume alcohol while using Proston.


Dinoprostone Gel is contraindicated in the following patients: Hypersensitivity to this drug or to any ingredient in the formulation, Patients in whom oxytocic drugs are contraindicated or where prolonged contractions of the uterus are considered inappropriate, history of cesarean section or major uterine surgery, major degree of cephalopelvic disproportion, history of difficult labor and/or traumatic delivery, Grand multiparae with six or more previous term pregnancies, suspected or clinically evident pre-existing fetal distress, Patients with overdistention of the uterus (multiple pregnancy, polyhydromnias), ruptured amniotic membranes or suspected chorioamnionitis, Patients with unexplained vaginal bleeding during the pregnancy, fetal malpresentation, gynecological, obstetrical or medical conditions that preclude vaginal delivery, history of epilepsy, patients whose pregnancy is complicated by an abnormal position of the placenta or umbilical cord.

Side Effects

Common: Abnormal Labor Affecting Fetus, Fetal Heart Rate Disorder, Fetal Distress Syndrome, Uterine Hypertonus.

Uncommon: Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea.

Rare: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Uterine Rupture, Anaphylactic Reaction.

Pregnancy & Lactation

Dinoprostone classified in FDA pregnancy category C. It is not recommended during pregnancy, labor or delivery and in mothers who are breast feeding.

Precautions & Warnings

Caution should be exercised in administration of Proston Gel in patients with: Hypertonus, Sustained Uterine Contractility or Fetal Distress, Hypertonic Uterine Contractility or Tetanic Uterine Contractions, Asthma, Glaucoma, Heart Diseases, Depression.

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool (not above 8°C) and dry place, away from light & moisture. Keep all medicines out of reach of children.
Pack Image of Proston 0.5 mg Vaginal Gel Pack Image: Proston 0.5 mg Vaginal Gel
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