Generic list of "Short-acting selective & β2-adrenoceptor stimulants"
Bambuterol Hydrochloride
Bambuterol is indicated for
Bronchial asthma
Chronic bronchitis
Other lung diseases where bronchospasm is a complicating factor.
Levosalbutamol (Oral)
Levosalbutamol is indicated for the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm in adults, adolescents and children 6 years of age and older with reversible obstructive airway disease.
Levosalbutamol (Respirator preparation)
Levosalbutamol Nebuliser Solution or Inhaler is indicated for the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm in adults, adolescents, and children with reversible obstructive airway disease.
Salbutamol is indicated as a bronchodilator for use in-
Chronic Bronchitis
Emphysema and
Other conditions associated with airways obstruction.
Salbutamol (Inhaler)
Bronchospasm: Salbutamol Inhaler is indicated for the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma and for the treatment of reversible airway obstruction associated with bronchitis and ...
Terbutaline Sulfate
Terbutaline sulfate is indicated for the prevention and reversal of bronchospasm in patients 12 years of age and older with asthma and reversible bronchospasm associated with bronchitis and emphysema.
Tulobuterol Hydrochloride
Tulobuterol Hydrochloride is indicated for prophylaxis and control of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, tracheobronchitis ...