Generic list of "Oral Contraceptive preparations"

Cyproterone Acetate + Ethinyl Estradiol
This preparation is indicated for the treatment of women with severe acne, unresponsive to oral antibiotic and other available treatments, with associated symptoms of androgenization, including seborrhea and mild hirsutism.
Desogestrel is used to provide contraceptive efficacy in women who want to prevent pregnancy. Desogestrel has proved to be highly efficacious as a contraceptive pill and is an alternative for women who ...
Drospirenone is a progestin indicated for females as an oral contraceptive.
Drospirenone + Estetrol
This is a combination of Drospirenone and Estetrol, is indicated for use by females of reproductive potential to prevent pregnancy.
Drospirenone + Ethinylestradiol (0.02 mg)
This combination is indicated for: As an oral contraceptive Treatment of moderate acne vulgaris Treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Drospirenone + Ethinylestradiol (0.03 mg)
This is indicated in oral contraception.
Drospirenone + Ethinylestradiol + Levomefolate
Oral Contraceptive: This is indicated for use by women to prevent pregnancy. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): This contraceptive preparation is also indicated for the treatment of symptoms of ...
Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel (0.02 mg)
The benefits of taking the pill include: It is one of the most reliable reversible methods of contraception if used correctly It does not interrupt sex It usually makes period regular, lighter ...
Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel (0.03 mg)
This is indicated to prevent pregnancy. Oral contraceptives are a very effective method of birth control. When taken correctly (without missing tablets), the chance of becoming pregnant is very low.
Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel + Ferrous Fumarate
Ethinyl Estradiol + Gestodene
This pill is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy.
Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel + Ferrous Fumarate
This pill is indicated in- Inhibit Ovulation Inhibit sperm to enter into the uterus by condensing uterine mucus Inhibit fertilized egg to accept by uterus by protecting the growth of membrane inside ...
Ethinyl Estradiol + Lynestrenol (0.0375 mg)
লাইনেসট্রেনল ও ইথিনাইল এস্ট্রাডিয়েল একটি কম্বাইন্ড গর্ভনিরোধক পিল যা খাওয়ার গর্ভনিরোধক হিসাবে নির্দেশিত।
Ethinyl Estradiol + Lynestrenol (0.05 mg)
লাইনেসট্রেনল ও ইথিনাইল এস্ট্রাডিয়েল একটি কম্বাইন্ড গর্ভনিরোধক পিল যা খাওয়ার গর্ভনিরোধক হিসাবে নির্দেশিত।
Emergency contraception is a rescue method that is aimed to prevent fertilization in case of unprotected intercourse. This contraception must be used as soon as possible, preferably within 12 hours ...
Lynestrenol is indicated in Polymenorrhoea, Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, Selected cases of primary and secondary amenorrhoea and oligomenorrhoea, Premenstrual syndrome, Endometriosis, Selected cases ...
Norethisterone Acetate
Norethisterone is indicated in: Metropathia hemorrhagic (dysfunctional uterine bleeding), Premenstrual syndrome, Postponement of menstruation, Endometriosis Menorrhagia.
Norgestrel tablets are indicated for use by females of reproductive potential to prevent pregnancy. This tablet are not for use as emergency contraception.
Norgestrel + Ethinyl Estradiol + Ferrous Fumarate
Oral contraceptives are indicated for the prevention of pregnancy in women who elect to use this product as a method of contraception. Oral contraceptives are highly effective. The efficacy of these contraceptive ...
Progesterone Micronized (Capsule)
Progesterone Micronized softgel capsule is indicated in- Maintenance of Pregnancy in cases of Threatened / Recurrent abortion. Luteal support during IUI and ART procedures IVF-ET. Luteal support ...