Sharif Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Sr. Officer, Microbiology

General Info
  • Published on: Feb 17, 2024
  • Deadline: Feb 29, 2024
  • Source:
Job Details
  • Job Nature: Full-Time
  • Job Location: Factory, Barabo, Tarabo, Rupgonj, Narayangonj
  • Salary:
  • Job Description:
    • To Perform Environmental Monitoring
    • To Perform Microbial Limit Test
    • To Perform Sterility and Bacterial Endotoxin Test
    • To Perform Growth Promotion Test
    • To Perform Water Analysis
    • Disinfectant Efficacy Test
    • To Perform Preservative Efficacy Test
    • To Perform Media fill validation test, calibration and validation of microbiological laboratory equipment
    • SOP Preparation
    • To Perform test method validation & documentation in accordance with guideline etc
  • Compensation & Other Benefits:
    • Salary Review: Yearly
    • Festival Bonus: 2
    • Leave: As per company policy.
Job Requirements
  • Age Specification: At most 35 years
  • Educational Requirements: The incumbent should be B.Sc. (Hons.) & M. Sc. in Microbiology from any reputed University
  • Experience Requirements: 3 to 5 years
  • Additional Requirements:
    • The candidate should have 3-5 years experience in any reputed pharmaceuticals company.
    • Conversant with MS Office application
Apply Procedure
  • Apply Instructions: If you meet the required criteria and have interest to apply are requested to send CV with photocopy of all Academic Certificates and National ID within 29 February, 2024 by mentioned address or e-mail. Human Resources Department Sharif Pharmaceuticals Limited House # 15/C, Road # 15 (new), 33 (old). Dhanmondi. Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh. E-mail:
  • Apply Link: Apply Online