New digital way of medicating TB patients gives new hope

23 Oct, 2017
A new digital way of monitoring the tuberculosis treatment has been presented at the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Guadalajara, ushering in a new era of TB science.

Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) is universally recommended to ensure long tuberculosis treatment adherence.

Now researchers said the Wirelessly Observed Therapy (WOT) is more effective and has the potential to transform TB treatment adherence.

“WOT has the potential to treat tens of thousands of people more effectively which means more people cured and less people developing multidrug-resistance – a real game changer,” said José Luis Castro, Executive Director of The Union, the organiser of the conference, on Thursday.

Sara Browne, associate professor of medicine of the University of California, San Diego who did the study, at a press briefing, said WOT works on existing cell phone and internet infrastructure, requires few personnel, and covers distance.

She said this is “highly relevant if appropriately adapted to countries that lack medical personnel and infrastructure”.

There is no limit to the number of patients WOT can monitor.

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